Before we make an appointment for your Nail Surgery, we will need to see you for a pre-assessment to discuss the process, ongoing care and make the appropriate health checks needed we can approve the procedure.
Our Nail Surgery Package includes the surgical procedure itself, a second appointment 1- 2 days later for a check and redressing, and to show you how to redress and care for the toe. We will provide you as part of your package a two week dressing pack and make a third appointment at the end of that two weeks for a check. You will need to purchase a final dressing pack as you complete the healing process and we will arrange a final appointment as part of your package to check that healing has been successful.
You may find that treatment for your ingrowing nail has been painful but you don’t want the nail removed. In this case we can treat you conservatively under a local anaesthetic without permanently removing the nail.
Our dedicated Nail Surgery team are Podiatrists Rachel Sheppard, Mark Brooksbank and Geoff Hyne.
Please contact us if you would like any further information regarding this procedure or you may wish to book your assessment through our online booking.