by footclinic | May 31, 2021 | blog
Diagnostic ultrasound is becoming increasingly available in the UK, with some Podiatrists now specialising in the imaging of the foot and ankle. It has huge benefits for patients suffering from foot and ankle pain. Having access to imaging like this has significantly...
by footclinic | May 27, 2021 | blog
Summer 2021 is taking a while to kick in, but fingers crossed temperatures will be soaring and the sun shining soon….are your feet ready! We have had our feet tucked away inside our shoes and boots over the last few months and it is true to say that out of sight is...
by footclinic | Apr 25, 2021 | blog
Hello My name is Geoff Hyne and I am a Podiatrist that qualified in 2006. My Clinic Manager, Danny, has backed me into a corner and insisted that I start writing blogs against my will. He says that I cannot go home until it is done and so here, is the blog. Please...